Saturday, August 7, 2010

After the Veko, Rush was staying in my our house and after few days the rest of the group turned up consisting of Steve Fisher, his bro Dave and Ben Brown. After some regrouping, the boys left up north and I was busy catching up on sleep and working.

I was planning to go to Sjoa as my days off were coming up. Sometimes during the week I got a message from Rush to join them up north so I managed to repair Rosie Jr ( my small red Skoda Felicia), pick up my sister from the station, get some more days off and soon I was on the road again heading up far north. Stop over in Sjoa to say hi to friends, followed by full night of driving and by midday next day I was meeting up with the crew for heavy Redbull, rum and coke bender after which we all found out that the whole bunch of koffein drinks can spoil and shorten normal sleep to couple hours and looong time of watching the ceiling, trying to fall asleep. 

From morning it was on and we were off for some kayaking. We found pretty cool canyon close to the road with interesting lead in drop, waterfall, small gorge and fun boogie class 4 lead out. The run turns out to be super fun. Everything takes little longer because of the cameras and filming.

 The waterfall turns out to be trickier than anticipated.

I went second, my decision for the line was to use the autoboof but try not to land so flat. The lead in goes all good, but I eneded up[ little bit further left in the waterfall and I didn't land flat but fully corked. Landed almost on my head, but soft and unscattered. Roll and back on the game. 

Rush boofed and Ben took his time scouting from both shores and styled a sweet 45 degrees line.

 The run followed by sweet 6m drop and fun WW4 bogie water run out.

The rest of the week followed in similar pattern. There had been thoughts of an overnighter first D mission but we had to postpone it, because of rainy weather.

 Nevertheless we found sick slides , nice drops and many rivers to be paddled in lower flows. After almost 2 weeks I had to go back to work and the boys hiked to the first D. Overall there had been loads of scouting and driving around, but totally worth it. Northern Norway really delivers. The crust of the potential has been just scraped off and there is tons more to do. I am already looking forward for next summers mission North. So much to be done there...

More photos soon... stay tuned

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